Vision Statement


“Victorious soldiers compelled by love and established by faith in Jesus the Christ. Living triumphantly as examples to a downtrodden society. Looking earnestly for the opportunity to be a witness of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. Also, we deliver ourselves over to the great global commission of Christ, and we sanctify ourselves vessels of honor, meet for the master’s use; prepared to fight the good fight of faith, determined to finish our course, willingly and obediently marching, as more than conquerors, to fulfill destiny.”

Mission Statement

“Arming trained servants with the weapons of our warfare, for the purpose of a lifestyle of kingdom excellence, kingdom power, and kingdom service. We, living as the true church, avail ourselves to almighty God to be global agents for spiritual and economic empowerment for the disadvantaged. We are the light in darkness, and the vehicle of hope for the brokenhearted. We are His church!!!”